About Us

Matamata Musical Theatre was founded in 1966 by an enthusiastic group of “live” theatre lovers and, we are happy to say, is today still run by an even more enthusiastic group.

Back in the day, “live” stage shows were very popular, and cast and crew were easy to find. However, the introduction of television definitely saw a downturn in these numbers. We are happy to say that we are now enjoying a definite shift back to our corner of the arts, especially with the introduction of Restaurant Theatre which can include more modern songs and live bands. Young and old are finding these shows great fun to be part of as well as the more substantial musical which offers a greater challenge in acting and singing on stage.

For those not personally lured by the thrill of preforming on a stage, we offer a chance to be involved in lighting, sound, set-building, wardrobe and catering (to name a few areas we are able to provide a mentor in)

President:  Peter Lansdaal

Treasurer :  Christine Lansdaal

Secretary:  Sharon Butterworth

Committee: Ross Bay, Jess Sowry, Wade Linnell, Janelle Burnside, Lyn Barraclough, Jeremy Cullen and Tabitha Brogden